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    News — sofie seyah

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    Meeting Sofie of Sofie Seyah Illustrations

    Meeting Sofie of Sofie Seyah Illustrations

    Well I loved her and and felt even more of a connection to her Artwork after learning a little bit about Sofie.

    Being lucky enough to personally have a chat with Sofie left me feeling very refreshed as her Artwork also does.

    Sofie is the mother of two children and not too shy to tell of the perils of her journey through motherhood. Her artwork is an expression of everything from a bad day at the office to a stint of Post Natal Depression and through a cathartic and long process of channeling these emotions into Art, each piece has a personal story which speaks volumes of a woman I genuinely have come to admire.

    A down to earth woman with a Marine Science background Sofie's love for The Arts stems from what she refers to as her "eccentric parents" of whom one is an Artist and the other adamantly lives most days as if in a musical (and until now, I had thought that this was just something I did daily).

    As Sofie recanted a story of her Normal I felt a close affinity to her, as Mothers generally strive to adhere to what is considered Normal but the recognition that there are vast differences between these expectations can prove to be exhilarating especially in times of hardship and motherhood is full of these. 

    To find a strength in our differences and focus on a passion is a skill many of us struggle with as the word selfish can sometimes circle into our heads (as mums) but what we can accomplish when giving ourselves the love and time we so often attribute to others is nothing short of miraculous. 

    Sofie hails from Perth, Western Australia and through these Illustrations shares her timeless love for the sea and its beautiful creatures. My personal favourite piece is Breach which Sofie explained to me was the result of a triumphant release after being repressed by Post Natal Depression for a period of time. This re-birth of energy and peace immediately resonated with me and the back story lead me to fall in love with it all over again!

    I welcome Sofie into the Raphael & Romeo Family and trust that you too will find her Artwork inspiring. 
